Do You Still Need a Literary Agent in the Digital Age?

Once upon a time, in a world where e-books were the stuff of science fiction, and authors mostly dreamed of seeing their works in print, literary agents held the keys to the literary kingdom.
But that existed in a time far away from today. In the modern world, where digital platforms dominate, and self-publishing is just a click away, the nature of publishing has forever changed. These days, both seasoned writers and novices stand side-by-side with an equal chance of speaking to their target audience and hitting the bestseller category.
This truth is precisely why we must ask if we still need literary agents in this age. Are they still valuable guides, or have they become relics of a bygone era?
In this post, we'll examine how the roles of literary agents have shifted in response to digital changes and whether they still hold the significance they once did in the publishing world. Let’s get started.

What Does a Literary Agent Do?
Historically, literary agents were considered gatekeepers to the publishing world. Many agents hate the term “gatekeeper” and prefer to see themselves as author "advocates" or “champions.” And that is true. A literary agent’s job is to represent an author's work passionately, negotiate the best possible deals, and ensure the publishing process respects the author’s voice and vision. They work diligently behind the scenes to promote the author's interests and help shape a path for their literary success.
It’s also true that the manuscript of an unknown author would never be considered for publication by a traditional publisher without a literary agent’s backing. To get published traditionally, authors needed agents. The agent facilitated an audience with the publisher. Without an agent, the door to major publishing houses was permanently closed. Most big publishers relied on agents to sift through submissions and present them with works that had potential. This strategy was effective for publishers because it saved time and ensured that only the most promising manuscripts landed on their desks.
But, for the hopeful author, this closed system was frustrating and exhausting. Now-famous authors, like Stephen King, were rejected dozens of times while going through the process of manuscript submission. And what’s worse is that, in the age of traditional publication, many authors receive double the rejections: they will typically receive a rejection from literary agents, and if they happened upon an agent who did believe in them, publishers refused them, also.
Thank goodness those days of endless rejections and closed doors are behind us. But traditional publishing is still alive and well, as are literary agents. And agents aren’t the bad guys. Neither are publishers. They have a ton of submissions to sift through and must be selective.
The rise of the digital age, however, has brought about significant shifts in the publishing landscape. With platforms like Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing, Wattpad, and many others, authors now have direct avenues to publish and showcase their work to a global audience. This self-publishing wave has democratized the industry and allows many writers to bypass the traditional gatekeeping systems entirely.
Yet, with this new path to publishing comes its challenges: How does an author effectively market their book in a saturated market? How can an author ensure the quality of their published work? What about negotiating film or translation rights?
These questions lead us back to the all-important question: In this digital age, is there still a place for literary agents? Furthermore, do they still hold the same importance they once did, especially when self-publishing is now a viable option?
While there are now many roads to publication, the expertise, guidance, and networks that a seasoned literary agent provides are still crucial for many authors.
Let’s discuss the pros and cons of collaborating with literary agents in the modern publishing environment.
The Benefits of Seeking a Literary Agent in the Digital Age
If you’re hoping to get published by a traditional publisher, getting an agent is essential. Here’s a breakdown of why:
Literary Agents are Experts
Literary agents know the publishing world inside and out. They understand market trends, genres in demand, and the needs of various publishing houses. They know what readers gravitate towards and which niches have growth potential.
Based on their insights, they can help tailor your manuscript or proposal to meet the specific demands of publishers and readers alike. This advice maximizes the chances that your manuscript will get accepted by a traditional publisher.
Literary Agents Help With Contracts and Negotiations
Publishing contracts can be complex. They have excessive jargon and clauses that might be challenging for authors to understand. Agents can decode this legalese and ensure that your interests are protected. They know the ins and outs of rights, royalties, and other stipulations and will ensure you get the best possible deal.
Literary Agents Give You Access to Traditional Publishers
As mentioned above, many large publishers only accept submissions from literary agents. So, if you aspire to be traditionally published, having an agent can open doors that would otherwise remain closed.
Most seasoned agents have established relationships with editors and top publishers. You can leverage this network to get your manuscript into the hands of decision-makers.
Literary Agents Offer Marketing and Promotion
While literary agents primarily focus on getting a book deal, many also provide advice or contacts for promoting your book. With their recommendations, you can ensure your book reaches a wider audience.
Remember that your agent will be, by the necessity of the job, a networking extraordinaire. They can introduce you to key industry contacts, such as publicists, marketers, or book tour organizers. All of these professionals can amplify your book's reach.
Literary Agents Can Give Literary Feedback
While they may not be editors, many agents can provide substantial feedback to help improve your manuscript. This extra commentary ensures that your manuscript is in the best shape possible.
Literary Agents Can Represent You for Other Rights
What happens if there’s interest in adapting your book into a movie or TV show or translating it into other languages? You could do it yourself, but it would be better to have an agent to help you. A literary agent can manage these negotiations, secure fair compensation, and ensure your work stays faithful to the source material.
Agents can also help you navigate translation rights. As your book gains traction, foreign markets might express interest. Agents typically handle these negotiations and ensure translations retain the essence of the original work.
Literary Agents Are Beneficial for Self-Published Authors
Even if you've self-published, an agent can provide considerable value. For example, even if your book was self-published, a literary agent can pitch it to traditional publishers for broader distribution. This access is beneficial if your book has gained nationwide attention and critical acclaim.
Your literary agent can guide you towards platforms or mediums you may not have considered, such as audiobook publication. They can also help you negotiate your contract with such platforms.
Literary Agents Provide Post-Publication Support
The agent-author relationship continues after your book is published. Your agent will continue to support you and help you navigate any post-publication challenges.
Agents will advise you on subsequent book ideas, series potential, and overall career trajectory. Your agent will become your career partner in your literary journey.
Literary Agents Save You Time
Instead of you sending out countless manuscripts or queries, your literary agent can target specific publishers or contacts that are most likely to be interested in your work. Targeting increases the likelihood of a positive response to your manuscript submission.
That said, rejections are still possible. However, the rejections that filter through an agent often come with feedback and can help you refine your work for the future.

Cons of Seeking a Literary Agent in the Digital Age
While having a literary agent offers a lot of benefits to both traditionally published and self-published authors, here are a few things to consider before seeking one out:
A Literary Agent Can Sometimes Delay the Publishing Process
Getting a literary agent can increase the time it takes for you to publish your work. After securing a literary agent, your agent will still need to find a publisher for your book, which can take a long time. This delay often happens because agents aim to find the best possible fit for your manuscript. They negotiate contracts, establish connections, and present your work in the best light. While the process might be slower, the intention is to set the groundwork for a successful and wide-reaching publication.
A Literary Agent Isn’t a Free Agent
Agents get a cut from your book sales. Usually, the cut is between 10-15%. If your book does well, this can add up. Some agents might also charge you upfront fees, although this is rare.
You Give Up Some of Your Creative Control
Your literary agent might suggest changes to your book to make it sell better. These changes might differ from what you had in mind for your story. You must carefully balance your book’s commercial viability with your artistic integrity.
A Literary Agent is Not Always Necessary for Success
In the digital age, many authors have done well without an agent or traditional publisher. Successful self-published books include E.L. James’ “Fifty Shades of Grey” and Andy Weir's “The Martian.” Platforms like Amazon and Wattpad allow writers to publish directly without intermediaries like literary agents.
Literary Agents are Somewhat Limited to Traditional Publishing Routes
Most agents know traditional publishing well, but they might not be as familiar with newer digital platforms or self-publishing routes. This age is a new frontier that we’re all discovering together.
Not Every Literary Agent is a Good Fit
Not all agents will be a good fit. They might not see your book the way you do, or they might be too busy with other clients. There can be mismatches regarding vision, goals, or even personality. You may have to kiss several frogs before you find the right fit.
Final Thoughts
Do you still need a literary agent in this day and age? Maybe. Maybe not. It ultimately depends on your personal goals, the route you envision for your writing, and the level of industry guidance you seek. While agents can open doors and offer expert insights, the digital age empowers authors to take the reins and chart their course. Evaluate your needs, research your options, and choose the path that feels most aligned with your aspirations.
By the way, if you’re looking for a literary agent you can trust to help you navigate the publishing world, subscribe to our Literary Agent Alert service here. Instead of scouring the ‘net and social media, we’ll bring a freshly curated list of literary agents to your inbox every Wednesday. Learn more here.