Obsessed About Finding a Publisher? This Card is… | NY Book Editors
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Obsessed About Finding a Publisher? This Card is For You.


How many writers believe they need a publisher to make them a legitimate author? More importantly, how many are willing to sacrifice their vision in order to get that publisher or agent?

This is a reminder to them (or you!) to focus on what matters -- Readers.

Tell the authors you love that they're storytellers, first and foremost. They should be writing, and publishing, for their readers. After all, who really makes a book a bestseller?

Hint: It's not the publisher.

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Make sure your book isn’t a "long shot"

Enter your email for your FREE 7-Day Bootcamp and learn:

  • 5 Unconventional Techniques to help you finish your Draft
  • The Key to Getting Readers to Care About Your Characters
  • How to Master Dialogue, even if you’re a First-Time Writer
  • What You Need to Know to Hold Your Reader’s Interest
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